T e l e p h o n i n g III.
As I wrote already once more, the telephone rates are one of the most expensive in our country of the world. What was with the telephone cards X and Trick in the telephone boxes on the streets? The firm Telefonica in Brno deceived me in case they don’t produkt now therefore in order they sell of them. The phone cards Trick are beány to sell without any Troubeles in a tobacconist’s in Brno now to the opposite in last year. Any trouble was not with them buying not even in the last year outside Brno – for example in Blansko.
It was possible to do so called the ring up a person to its mobil phone, above all whether we had a small credit in our phone card. A short phone calling to a mobile costs 30CzK, and the minimal credit has to be 15CzK. The owner of the mobile phone called back to the person who called him sequently – for example after the two ring bells. The owner of the mobile phone called back to the numer that was displayed on his screen. It is displayed there a number 5203 this year and when the owner of the mobil phone called to the number, the telephone operator reports him the phone called number doesn’t exist. Then the person must buy a new telephone card in a price 180 CzK. The social benefits don’t calculate with the expense for the telephoning. This decreases of the possibles to connection and call among people.
The World War III. isn’t any laugh. Shaman I. discovered right it is saying: „They(he thought the Our WORLDLY People) are doing well whether they kontrol of the communication among people because it is the most important.
F a v o u r i t e G o p l a n o . n e t
I can’t connect to my „super“ address in goplano.net at all. There display an offer of the airtickets by an option in Menu, whether I put the speciál dates http: //92223.svc.e1m.net/email/scripts or I choose in the web www.town2.com where the offer of accepting to the email discovers, it refuses to connect of this address. Is the end of my famous(favorite) goplano.net in Czech Republic?
It refuses of my requir of the connection to a web www.vfemail.net at all ether, where I didn’t try it at all is the county „Olomoucky“. Would it run in „Olmik“?
It is not laugh the World War III.
Made 12.3.2012
Jaromir Krystl